Clowning helps us to laugh at our own selves and see the world from a different point of view, that of empathy, compassion and humour. It helps us understand the power of failure and not giving up. It not only helps in acceptance of self but acceptance of others around us without being judgmental.
Clowning techniques for team management can be immensely beneficial for team engagement and improvement in ability to work together Clowning helps to identify the aspects that may be stalling the work growth while working on awareness of self and others.

Stress can take a toll on one’s mental and physical health. Unfortunately, stress cannot be avoided in today’s time but it can definitely be reduced. The goal is to learn how to manage stress without it wreaking havoc in our personal and professional life. An emphasis during a stress‐management session is on channelizing one’s inner clown to respond to stressful situations. ‘You might fall, but that is not the end of the world’‐ is the key focus.
Objectives of the workshop
To reduce conflict among the team by building group trust and rapport using humor
Enable high-quality decision-making skills
Infuse creativity in everyday work
Discourage damaging workspace environment
Optimizing productivity and performance of team workers through play activities
Manage stress and build emotional resilience
Fun activities to successfully cope with stress
Create a safe space for conversations without judgment.

• Doctors, nurses and Staff of Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya, Delhi
• Administrative staff of Surya Hospital, Jaipur
• Teachers of Udaan School, Palampur (HP)
• Administrative staff of SRCC hospital, Mumbai
• Teachers of Samarpan Foundation, Delhi
Competition and Winning are an integral part of society yet, cannot be achieved in isolation. Clowning creates an environment for each individual to celebrate herself/himself for who s/he is as well as other team members without judgment. Cooperative Games create a stress free environment where FUN, JOY, SPIRIT are the operative words. The emphasis is on participation and inclusion rather than exclusion that is felt when one either loses a game or is thrown out for some error/mistake.
‘These activities keep us going for another week, reduces stress and makes us happy’- Nurse, CNBC (Delhi)